Outsourced Parenting

The author discusses the implications of household help’s increased role in our children’s lives. A husband and his wife walk in the shopping center, behind…

Volunteerism with Ihsan

Article in brief: Are monetary donations more beneficial than volunteerism? Omar Al Owais explores. Ihsan, those familiar with the renowned Arab television program “Khawater”, presented by…

The Robin Williams Fluctuation

Article in brief: Success and happiness are directly proportional, or are they not?  Clarification: This article looks at reasons from a non-professional’s perspective on why individuals…


Article in brief: A take on “Takatof”, their Ramadan initiatives and what they mean for the community. Ramadan has begun, a 30-day opportunity to cleanse our…

Interview with FUNN

Interview in brief: Sharjah recently experienced a first of its kind event. Sail eMagazine recently conducted an interview with the organizations behind it to find out…