When Feelings Speak

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Article in brief: The author sheds light on the importance of expressing feelings and how that could outburst an amazing talent you never knew you had.

Artwork by Fatma AlHashemi (@F_Fotography)
Artwork by Fatma AlHashemi (@F_Fotography)

I read a quote once that said “When I write, I make discoveries about my feelings.”

Many of us assume that whatever we write is a reflection of what we felt or experienced. But as we go through the journey on paper, our feelings speak words we never thought of or believed were even there. And as a result, we learn more about who we are.

Expressing a feeling is important not only because it’s a burden to hold them back, but also because not letting them out could make us miss the opportunity of learning more about ourselves, and discovering our talents; most of which emerge as a result of expressing profound feelings.

Moreover, the expression of feelings could enormously improve the quality of one’s life. That is, as our feelings translate through talents, we then become fulfilled and experience a self-satisfaction that can almost never be obtained otherwise. Even in relationships, communicating a feeling whether verbally, or indirectly, through a talent can have a positive effect because as I once read; “communication is at the heart of relationships, and feelings are at the heart of effective communication.”

Your deep feelings are the window to the best of your talents; you can express your feelings in different ways that make you feel fulfilled, satisfied, and in clarity of who you are as an individual.

Imagine yourself in that moment of extreme joy or even in that utmost feeling of grief, and take a minute not to try and understand what you’re feeling, but simply letting it out, whether through singing, drawing, writing poetry, or anything else that gives you relief in a way that no other activity can.

Personally, I chose poetry to be my outlet. And in a moment of grave pain, I found myself writing words that, although I thought would be filled with sadness and dismay, were –to my surprise- filled with strength and challenge. As a result, I learned more about who I truly am, I was fulfilled, satisfied, and relieved that those feelings came out.

So, don’t be hesitant; instead, be brave enough to let your feelings speak. You won’t only be able to make discoveries of your own feelings, but discoveries of your own self, your potentials, and the unlimited power of your talents.

I share my words with you below:
I wander.
My eyes shut.
Then I wonder if you would ever learn to believe.. that I’m different
I sought death and you smiled.
I rose and you cried.
Why so bitter?
I see your eyes craving my grief..
With a quiver
Resembling a leaf..
Oh dearest of all, why.. must I say it?.. why the dark soul?
I seek the light while you chain me.
My legs tethered, my arms ever frozen.
I seek warmth in the frosts of your breath.. erupting against my determination.. blowing into a slim hollowness in my core.
I wade across the greasy mud you spawn..
Rise upon the bricks you shove..
“Enough!” I shout in mute
I scream in silence across the roar of your fear.. the fear you mask with your weapon of a fanned authority
Look at me..
No, don’t glare at me, I said see me!
I am human.. A pure fire of ambition.. no flames, no burns
Oh now..
No sweat.. mere tears.. sliding down my body.. the malady slithering up to my chest -it throbs!-, my neck, my crest!
Take me.. shake me..
Here’s my heart, now break me..
But no shout of “release me” will I utter.. no wait.. Make me suffer.
Hither and yon detain me..
Feed me with your torture..
Grow me bigger..
Tall I stand..
I shall never surrender..

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