It Is Okay To Cut Out The People Who Weigh You Down

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Article in brief: The writer states that it is rather important to let go of people who weigh you down and surround yourself with positive circle of friends.


They say one of the best ways to reach success is to surround yourself with innovative people who share the same goals as you. The same goes with happiness; in order to reach that happy state, one must be surrounded with positive people.

The people we are surrounded by have a huge impact on who we are and who we become, and as much as we think the ones around us won’t affect us, they do! We slowly begin to use the same words they use, act the same way they do, and eventually we turn into them without even realizing it.

You’ll notice how a group of friends speak similarly or how two close friends weirdly look alike; that’s the thing with friendship, each friend is influenced by one another in terms of style, behavior, and much more.

It’s a really great feeling when you notice how different you become when surrounded by people who support your goals, respect your opinion, and love you unconditionally. You become more open to the good things in life, more enthusiastic and more hopeful.

I remember myself being influenced by bad friends, and then I realized that it is okay to cut out the people who weigh you down. Yes, you’re not forced to befriend anyone who isn’t good for you, be kind to all but trust a few. If you feel that someone has a rather negative impact on you, let him or her go, on good terms of course.

It is okay to put yourself first, that’s not called being selfish but called being reasonable. Make the right choices for yourself and don’t deny that you can change according to the people around you.

The right people are the ones that you are not constantly trying to impress but the people who love you for who you are. They are not the people who let you down, but the people who meet your expectations as friends. Not the people who crush your spirit, but the ones who encourage you and support your dreams.

At this stage of my life, I meet all sorts of individuals, but I try my best to be selective of my friends. That might sound extremely protective, but I think it is rather necessary and especially in a society like ours where people often judge a person depending on the people around him or her.

When you make the essential cuts in your life, that’s when you become in control of who you are and who you become. You’ll reach that point where you are satisfied by your lifestyle and that’s when you will become so much happier.

So if you are surrounded by people who are good for you, hold on to them. On the other hand, if you’re not around the right circle of friends, let go of them, there are so many good people that would have a positive impact on you, people who won’t weigh you down.

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