Those Who Support You and Those Who Tear You Down

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Article in brief: Almost everyone has a dream, and almost everyone works as hard as they can just to see them turn into reality. 

HiddenPromises - Dec13

I once was that person who wanted to turn her dreams into something real. The person who wouldn’t let anything stop her from getting what she wants.  I’ve been working on a book for quite some time and I can proudly say that I am now the author of the published book ‘Alatash’

My journey hasn’t been the hardest journey out there but it wasn’t easy either. I’ve been in an inner war for a good time and to be completely honest, I haven’t conquered it yet and it’s all because of them. Yes them! Throughout my life, I’ve been surrounded by two groups of people: the evil fairies and the good fairies.

The evil fairies are the people I shouldn’t have let get to me. They’re the ones who broke me down and made me feel inferior. I was set to believe that I wasn’t good enough and that I’ll never make it, and sadly, I listened to them which made my self esteem disappear into nothingness. If it wasn’t for them and my superfluous thoughts, I would’ve achieved my dreams a long time ago.

The good fairies are the people I should’ve listened to. They consist of my family, friends and supporters. Those magnificent magical creatures are the reason I am where I am; they keep me going. They never doubted me for a second and they always believed in me. They made me feel like I mattered, like I was on to something, they made my dream attainable.

Like many people, I made the silly mistake of caring about what the former group had to say. Going through this journey, if I’ve learned anything at all, then it’s that people will always want to see you fail, it’s your choice to acknowledge them or not.

Now, just because you’re being criticized, it doesn’t mean that people want to tear you apart, on the contrary, it might mean that they actually care and want you to go further in life. Constructive criticism is sent your way for the sake of improvement. Keep in mind that people who give you comments that may seem mean at the time only want you to be better at what you do. The way I see it, they are the people whom you should cherish as they aren’t afraid to spill the truth.

My advice to you is to consider constructive criticism and to work on it, leaving hate behind. The hate you receive is only derived by jealousy. The envious green monster blinds humans causing in the uttering of harsh words. People only send harmful words when they’re upset as they didn’t achieve what you did, so why bother?

At the end of the day, they can reach your point of success but they’re too lazy to work for it. So, just keep your head high and believe that the unachievable is achievable as long as you surround yourself with people who make you feel good and as long as you work hard enough to accomplish it!

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