Change Yourself For the Better

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Article in brief: The author states her beliefs of true change.

Artwork by Dana AlAttar (@DanaAlAttar)
Artwork by Dana AlAttar (@DanaAlAttar)

Change can happen due to different reasons and like they say, to each their own. In the spirit of 2014, I decided to talk about changing due to the New Year that was just a while ago, as well as about change in general.

I could start off with a cliché such as ‘New year, new me’, but that isn’t the case here. Every year, billions of people say that and sadly, it’s mostly all talk.

Don’t get me wrong here; I do want to become a better person as much as the next guy, but I don’t want to end up beating myself up when December comes.

Yes, that’s the harsh reality, that’s what happens in most scenarios. The majority of people put up almost preposterous resolutions that often leave them tasting defeat by the end of the year because they couldn’t achieve them in the assigned time!

I personally don’t believe in New Year resolutions to be specific and it’s kind of obvious that not many believe in it as well. I, for one, think that resolutions are evil and plain wicked. Their sole purpose is to allow you to lie to yourself without feeling any ounce of guilt.

Despite what can be inferred from my previous words, I do believe in change and its genuineness. To be clear here, I’m a strong believer in self-modification, it’s a beautiful thing that I highly appreciate. What I do is set goals on improving myself and work my hardest to reach those goals I put for myself through time.

To me, nothing feels better than looking at how you evolved throughout the passing days. You begin to look at how you were and how you changed positively. I know that modification of one’s personality is the whole reason resolutions exist, but it’s kind of uncalled for to have them on New Year specifically.

I seriously don’t get the concept of waiting for a whole year to pass in order to enforce change. Time waits for no one, so why should we? Instead of waiting around, you can change at any moment you wish. It really doesn’t matter what the month is.

In order to change, believing in oneself and the possibilities is the key to transform to the best. In addition to that, I learned that change comes naturally, it can’t be forced. A person needs to have the power of will to change and with that attitude they will. It’s all about determination, perseverance and most importantly, insistence to improve, so why wait for the New Year!

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