The End of High School Life

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Article in brief: As the author’s school life is about to end, she pens down this article to her fellow graduates.

Artwork by Marwa Fuad (@marwah_f1)
Artwork by Marwa Fuad (@marwah_f1)

A wise man from Harry Potter called Dumbledore once said, “Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.”

We’re getting close to graduation season, and as a graduate, I’m currently going through a rollercoaster of emotions and reminiscing upon my school life as a whole.

Thinking about it, I realize that our diversity as students wasn’t an obstacle, but merely the reason why we’re so close. Being in an environment with much distinction makes us learn and grow more. It’s crazy to know that I have been spending my time with more than 28 nationalities per day! With chasing the right in attaining knowledge, it really isn’t about where you come from but more about the added value you’re going to get.

For fourteen years, us, high school seniors, worked our way to academic excellence and created endless memories that make us who we are. We made lifelong friendships, and a set of flashbacks that will only make our hearts grow fonder. A journey I, and many others have been in, is about to end and we all fulfilled one purpose, which is obtaining knowledge. It is a never-ending process; nonetheless, we’re half way through.

I’m sure we all faced hardships along the way with our studies, the deadlines and their stress. People often view studying as a torturous and daunting act, but really it’s the reason we’re alive. To be educated, is to have many different perspectives. However, I believe that most of us know that deep down, it’s all worth it, because there’s nothing more noble than the pursuit of knowledge.

It is insanely bittersweet to have to say goodbye to what has to be an astounding chapter in the book we call our lives, but we have to comprehend that everything has to come to an end. I’m more than ecstatic to finally take my cap off and start a brand new journey. I’m eager to grab a pen and write out a blank fresh chapter with nothing to guide and light my way but the torch of knowledge that has been passed down to me by my beloved teachers and mentors.

It’s scary to think that we have to decide on a path from this point onwards, but having a passion makes it easier. My advice to you fellow graduates is that you follow your passion no matter what people think of it. Don’t let anyone degrade what you love because at the end of the day, you have to go after what you enjoy doing the most.

Lastly, remember to always give credit when it’s due. Be assured, that no matter where the road takes us, and whatever success we may encounter, it’s all due to the people and even school that made us. Be grateful and appreciate what you have been given because school will always be the base of what you are.

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