The Iceberg Theory

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Article in brief: The author here emphasizes the need to dig deeper and not only focus on the surface.

Artwork by Maryam Zainal (@Maryam_Zainal)
Artwork by Maryam Zainal (@Maryam_Zainal)

‘From knowledge to practice’, shouldn’t it be the opposite?Knowledge will only get us so far if we use it correctly.

People often believe that by possessing knowledge, practicing what we have been taught and applying it to the real world would be easy. While in fact, it’s quite the contrary.

Practicing and striving to get better at what we do is key to igniting the torch of knowledge that will guide us through life. As a matter of fact, no one is going to help us on the long run but the knowledge we own, and that’s a rule I keep reminding myself of.

We humans are beautifully faulted. We are complex organisms, but we’re not that confusing. What irritates me the most is that we don’t dig deeper. I can’t deny that some people do, but the majority doesn’t. We are stuck at this place where we see the tip of things and not everything.

We just want a piece of information that will get us further along the trail, leaving us feeling a little less dumb. That’s completely wrong of us as we live at a crucial age. We are the future and we need to do something about it.

The problem of our generation is that most of us rush through everything as we live in an age where everything is expected to be delivered instantly. Still, that doesn’t mean that this method works with knowledge. Obtaining knowledge takes time and needs to be discussed in depth in order to fully comprehend an idea, but not everyone thinks like that. Thing is, like with the ship Titanic, we only care to see the iceberg from the top, not realizing how huge and deadly it was from the bottom.

Most of us settle with knowing some points that will help us go on with the certain topic without falling in confusion. Yes, we do know a lot but that doesn’t mean we should stop seeking knowledge. We should do our utmost best to know more. Yes, we do know a lot, but we don’t know enough.

My advice to you dear readers is to keep growing and learning. I know that most people probably think that I’m in no high position to be giving this kind of advice but maturity isn’t determined by age, it’s determined by experience.

Think deeper and widen your mindset. Start refusing to live in what’s normal as pleasing people will only be our downfall. Practice in order to pursue knowledge and know that where you come from doesn’t really matter as long as you try to make a change.

Everything starts from nothing, so instead of thinking like we can’t achieve a change, we need to put the effort in achieving so. Never stop evolving and practicing because that’s the only way we can preserve our knowledge.

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