The Risks of Diabetes

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Article in brief: An overview of the medical condition that’s affecting the lives of many.

Artwork by Dana AlAttar (@DanaAlAttar)
Artwork by Dana AlAttar (@DanaAlAttar)

Diabetes is one of the greatest challenges in healthcare today, with numbers on the rise and the age of onset getting younger by the day. It is one of my most passionate causes of perusing alternative modalities, because I’ve seen enough diabetic feet amputated when they could have been saved simply by being aware and empowered.

A recent study showed that people leading “stressful” lives or have stressful work environments have a 45% increased risk of Diabetes. As stress hormones increase in the body, glucose levels rise even amongst the slim.


Diabetes is a metabolic disorder where your body is unable to store or use glucose properly. I will not be getting into the different causes of diabetes, but there are two types: type 1 where the pancreas fails to produce insulin and type 2 where the body fails to absorb insulin. Insulin regulates our blood glucose levels. When there too much of glucose in your blood, that is when diabetes happens.

Diabetes leads to various systems failing such as the kidney function, cardiovascular disease, and nerve damages. Like any disease there is a genetic part that is triggered when the lifestyle of the patient (eating habits, exercise and stress levels) is not balanced.


Whether anxiety and depression are a precursor to diabetes or a result of it hasn’t been identified by research yet, however, anxiety has been shown to lower the blood glucose control and lead to fluctuations in diabetic readings.


The pancreas from a spiritual aspect is responsible for the sweetness in life, and when it fails then it is said that the person is unable to absorb the sweetness of life. Those people tend to have a certain bitterness that could be the result of accumulated stress.

1. Having a healthy lifestyle is important either in prevention of diabetes or treating it. Regular exercise and watching food habits in terms of sugar and calories can have significant benefits.

2. Having a positive mind frame and stepping out of the “chronic disease” fear is vital in achieving optimal results.

3. Tackle emotional issues that result in bitterness, start accepting things for what they are and live in gratitude day by day to be able to find the lost sweetness in life.

4. Take your meds! Having an active approach to the condition can take you miles ahead.

5. Finally, any condition is treatable, if you believe that it is. Breathing exercises and meditations have been scientifically proven to lower stress levels significantly. So take it one deep breath at a time!

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  • Diabetes is a disease in which the body is can’t to properly use and store glucose (in the form of sugar). There are mainly two types diabetes are type 1 and type 2. The main symptoms of diabetes are increased thirst, passing urine usual than more (especially at night), more tiredness, unexplained weight loss etc.

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