Book Review: Eat. Nourish. Glow.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Article in brief: the author shares with us her book review on “Eat. Nourish. Glow”, about healthy eating lifestyle.

Front cover of "Eat. Nourish. Glow." by Amelia Freer - Published by  Harper Thorsons on 2015
Front cover of “Eat. Nourish. Glow.” by Amelia Freer – Published by Harper Thorsons on 2015

“When it comes to deciding what to give up, your gut is one of the best indicators. It’s a great communicator known as the second brain. It can really guide us as to what we thrive on and what makes us under par.”  -Amelia Freer

I have decided to change things around a little bit and review a non-fictional piece this month. Everyone who’s familiar with Sam Smith has probably noticed his massive weight loss in a very short period of time. According to him, he had been helped by Amelia Freer, the author of Eat. Nourish. Glow.

The book cover was intriguing, and of course I was interested in what was written in it.

I was expecting to read about a new dietary plan that might go viral. I was wrong, but that doesn’t mean the book wasn’t fun to read. Amelia Freer discusses ten points that could help the readers to shift those stubborn extra pounds and kiss weight gain goodbye. The information she discusses isn’t some kind of breakthrough discovery about weight loss. However, the book is written in a very friendly manner that would leave the readers with the eagerness to try out those tips.

“Every single supermarket layout decision, from the lighting to where food is displayed, is geared towards getting you to spend more money usually on processed food.” -Amelia Freer

According to Amelia Freer, in order to lose weight and be eternally healthy the readers should do the following:

  1. Ease yourself into healthier eating habits by giving up the one thing that seems to be the weakest spot. Whether it’s sugar, gluten, dairy or caffeine. Once you master giving up that one thing you’ll feel more motivated to give up other unhealthy eating habits and in order to succeed, you need to keep a two-week food diary to identify where you are going wrong
  2. Detox your kitchen by throwing away all junk food, cereals, processed food, sweets, salad dressings, gluten grains, etc.
  3. Figure out what kind of eater you are by identifying your relationship with food and what your eating behaviour looks like.
  4. Stop snacking.
  5. Nobody’s perfect and don’t feel guilty if you have that piece of chocolate every now and then.
  6. Fats are good and we actually need fatty food to keep our cells healthy. By fatty, Amelia means things like avocados, nuts, oily fish, red meat and poultry.
  7. Healthy food makes you happy.
  8. You might probably feel thirsty and not actually hungry at times.
  9. Be careful with supplements.

Yes, nothing she had written in her book is news to us. We are aware of all that, but the tone she adapts in her book has actually made me more aware of the things I eat. I would recommend this book for reading, not because of the information it contains, but for the way she actually made things sound more convincing. However, I should add a declaimer that says it is not as easy as it actually sounds.

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