Interview with the Emirati Life Organizer Hala Kazim (@HalaKazim)

Reading Time: 7 minutes


Hala Kazim, a lady that is passionate about showing people the path into untangling their lives, through de-cluttering, and getting in touch with all that nature can provide. From her passion she started her business “Journey Through Change”.

    • Tell us more about yourself and your decision to start “Journey Through Change”?

I am a mother, a wife, an artist, a life organizer and a traveler.  My recent decision to become a life organizer came about as a push from my friends, who have witnessed my meticulous skill and habit of being extremely organized in my day-to-day life. I have always been very organized in everything. If you come to my house anytime and open any drawers or cupboards and see the way my children live, you will notice that there is a system in the house.

I am very good in de-cluttering and sitting with people to tackle aspects of their lives that they feel stuck with.

    • So when did you start as a business?

Just recently! I started a few months ago even though it was something I did for my friends and other people who seek my help.  That is when I realized there was a market for such a service. I am still fine-tuning certain aspects of the business, but I am already blessed with satisfied clients who recommend me to their friends and family through word of mouth and that has been the strongest marketing tool so far.

    • What is the process of service from A to Z that you provide your clients?

It all depends on what I am being hired for and it starts with a free consultation that allows me, along with my prospective client, to assess what they need. The clients have to be present throughout the service, because it is not about me cleaning their wardrobe and getting paid for it. It is about showing them the steps and the system they need to follow in order for them to benefit and feel confident to continue alone onwards.

    • As a start up, how do you measure the success of what you do?

I love helping people and I enjoy talking to them. When I see that someone is doing well after seeking my help that is my high. That is where I feel a sense of fulfillment.

    • What about your travels, how does that fit into your life?

I use traveling as a means to explore myself through nature. My way of traveling is very different from the way most Khaleejis (GCC citizens) travel. I do not shop and spend most of my time abroad at glitzy shopping malls and commercialized tourist areas. I like to see a country for what it is, and explore it through walking. Walking is my passion and when I do it in the right place, it helps me connect with myself and the nature surrounding me. Sometimes, I join groups or walk by myself across countries like Spain, Italy, India, Thailand, Yemen and Austria. I walk for hours, from village to villages, over mountains and forests and lakes. The experience is extremely invigorating and refreshing.

    • When did you start exploring and traveling around the world?

I started few years ago. I felt like I wanted to experience life in a different way and go for walking trips around the world, hike my way up to mountains, learn about people and cultures, and just take in the beauty of what we call life. Watching people is something that fascinates me. I can sit in a café for hours and just observe how people behave. We are after all, the most complicated creatures.

    • How often do you travel?

Wow, I actually go whenever I get the chance; so a few times a year. If I have the time and money, I make it a point to get away from routine. Take this advice from me as a woman, you will be a spouse, a parent, a friend, a housewife or a career person and within all these roles, you also need to be you and do things that make you happy as an individual, aside from the other roles in your life. Never compromise yourself to people at your own expense; it will lead to nothing but depression and ungratefulness.

    • Do you find that some of your Arabs friends criticize your need to travel just to walk?

The mixed reactions are always there. There are some who are surprised at what I do and would like to know more. Then, there are some who encourage me. However I do get the occasional “walking? Seriously? Why do you not just walk around the neighborhood instead of travel across the continent just to do that?” They do not understand the point of it and I just laugh. You need to keep an open mind about it and only then will you understand the magnitude of what it can do.

    • What kind of services do you provide within “Journey through Change”?

Oh plenty, my areas of expertise are in the following:
– General De-cluttering
– Wardrobe reorganization
– One on One cooking lessons
– Decorating advice
– Image consultation
– Shopping guidance

One of the services that I will soon start offering is self-exploration through travel. I am taking a group of ladies with me to Austria next month and I guarantee that this trip will make “ a new you”. It is not easy to believe me until you go and experience it for what it is. It will blow you away; walking through nature, lying down on the green grass, screaming from the top of your lungs and not feeling caged because of the culture or people staring. It is just about letting go and feeling free.

People take the feeling of freedom for granted when it is the most important thing that anybody and everybody looks for. You look for it in your room, in your work place, with friends and with yourself as well. It is the start of being you and feeling “I can be me and I do not have to put a mask”. Sadly this caged feeling is very prevalent in our Arabic society and it saddens me that even though we travel extensively around the world, we do not do it properly, nor make the most out of the beauty that has been created for us by Allah to enjoy.

    • Finally, What message do you want to give to the Arab community?

I want to say this, we Arabs have so much money and spend it all on material things. There is so much more to life than the Champs Elysees and Oxford Street and Harrods. Get yourself a backpack and go explore the world. I just wish if people would do that. This is really my message. It will teach you how to be flexible, much tolerant and cleanse yourself instead of spending aimless hours in the mall or in front of the TV wasting time and not achieving anything. I am not saying you have to camp outside You can still sleep in proper hotels or B&B’s (Breakfast & Bed) and take up activities like cooking, painting, hiking, or anything. Learn to explore and satisfy yourself through the nature that was created for us.

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Closing Note, March 2010

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  • Hala this is wonderful your "Journey Through Change" business you have started. You are becoming quite a naturalist through your travels. I am happy for you that you have found such pleasure and enjoyment with nature. Thankfully, yes, God did intend for us to enjoy this earth and he did create beauty all around us. We see this beauty in one another and all around us. We need only seek to truly see it and we will! I applaude your fortitude that has always been a part of your spirit. Bravo Hala!! <3

  • i agree with Hala 100%,,, I was lucky to experience the refreshment that being organized, having confident in every step you take , and nature enlightenment

    If we had more of Hala,, our countries (GCC) and the whole middle east,,, would ve been "different"

    your one more daughter :P
    Jenan Ghaith

    • Habibti Jenan ( My daughter) I was very touched by ur comment,, I really appreciate u believing in me.. Love u.

  • The interview is fascinating in every aspect. Exploring cultures (<3), the experience of detoxing psychologically, reflecting nature around you, and rejuvenating the person's life is always needed.
    "The mixed reactions are always there", i totally agree.. Rabi yewafeqech Hala :D <3.

  • This is such an eye-opener for those people who truly could afford to travel atleast once in a year. I would totally love to go walking in other countries(I try to walk everywhere here, of course depending on the weather) and experience different cultures/environments across the world. I think its a great idea for mothers as it just gives them an outlet to experience nature outside their normal *box*.

  • 1st of all thanks for shaima,For sharing such amazing artical.
    Smart idea and very new as well
    I just find it magnificent how the idea sparked .
    its really really beautiful
    Wish. U the best xo

  • You are truly unique and one-of-a-kind Hala..and I'm so proud to be your cuz. You're an independent thinker, a 'misfit' (in the good sense!), but brave and determined.. and you will certainly pave the way and be remembered for the person you are, for your spirit and your love of life.

    • Hala your words are so inspiring to all women not just Arab Women as women generally speaking we tend to always sacrifice our needs before others and forget to recharge our batteries in order to be able to be even more giving. It feels like a journey through self love and getting in touch with the real higher self. I feel we were always taught in all religions that we were made in the image of god and unfortunately, we tend to forget that and surround ourselves with material stuff but getting in touch with nature as you are doing through your travels and getting to see the world through people is really honouring the beautiful human beings we were meant to be. BRAVO Hala

    • My habibti Lily.. Believe me im the one who is proud to be ur cousin., Ur words is so encouraging and i do what i do because people like u who believe in me.fedeetich ,,, love u

  • Proud of you khalo :) it’s an amazing thing you’re trying to pass on to people.. to truly change the mindset and actually enjoy “yourself” to be grateful for things around us and to simply be happy unconditionally.. Hope I get a chance to go one day on one of those cleansing walks :)

  • From Muna – part one
    Dear Hala … i see so much of my self in you … and i am so happy that there is one local woman i can relate to in this country…
    i tend to travel alot as well … and at the start , it was exactly like you said .. walking for hours and hours with no clear aim except to discover… been to many countries in Asia , Africa, Europe, north america and recenctly i discovered my ultimate love to central and south american countries…

  • From Muna – part two
    yet i discovered through out the years…. that the best way to discover new cultures and experience a totaly new life to what we're used to .. is actually by living among those people we travel to … and so i started combining my travels with volunteer work throw certain organisations… i staid with a local family from the country im traveling to .. i live with them … cook with them .. become their friend and family member … i get involved in their social reituals and i GO TO WORK which is bascily the best part as that when you go throw the local experience of living with every little detail it includes…
    i have so much to share with you … so many stories… and i would love to hear your stories and exchange ideas and thoughts ….
    some one was suppose to set up a lunch for me and you to meet :) …. will give that someone a kick in the head to move faster :) …
    proud of you …
    with love,
    Muna Al Muhairi

    • Hello Muna and Hala,
      It warms my heart to know that two people with similar views on life are able to get to know each other through the article that i write. I hope you met with Hala, she is a fantastic and inspirational lady, and inshallah we'll get to meet with you, as i'd love to meet local people with your kind of mind set.
      God Bless you:)

  • Hala,
    Well done. This is really great and we are proud of you.
    Let us see more of your interesting experience especially in areas we really need to change.
    I hope that you will be able to export your experience and busienss to all GCC countries.
    God Bless You….

  • I really respect women like these, I live in Florida and I love to travel as well. I'm so glad to see that the stereo type of Arabs as being so materialistic, lazy and boring is being changed as I myself know many emiratis and know for a fact that they are not .

  • Where were you five years ago? do you like where you’ve gone in the last five years? What are you doing to make sure the next five years don’t dissapear like the last? Where do you think you will be five years from now? I know where I’ll be, and it’s all thanks to Kleeneze.

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