Here We Start

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dear Sail Readers,

As you may have notice, Sail is always trying to introduce new columns with new topics that add value and inspire our readers. In line with that, it is with pleasure I introduce to you a new column called “Just Another Undergrad” by my friend Fatma Bujsaim. This column will be a reflection on undergraduates’ college life. Mind you, I do not think its exclusive to undergrads; I think we all can relate to it as well. Do let us know your feedback on it.

Now let us exhibit our November’s content:

  • Think Aloud: We will be discussing the concept of initiatives, specifically, the ones that are started by individuals toward the community.
  • Interview: We will be interviewing the founders of Emiratweet, the first Emirati online social entity. In the interview you will get to know more about the girls behind the name, their goals, and their so far one year journey with Emiratweet.
  • Scenes of Life: Rawan Albina will be telling us more about the confusion between worry and guilt, and how to get out of them.
  • Just Another Undergrad: Fatma Bujsaim will be taking us through the journey of finding self within the campus.
  • Society of Tomorrow: Mohamed AlJneibi will giving us a thorough background on the development of touchscreens and how they have become an integral part of our lives.
  • Spotlights: Steve Johnson will be explaining through an animated video where do great ideas come from.

Here We Start – Think AloudInterviewScenes from Life
Just Another Undergrad
Society of TomorrowSpotlights

Hope you enjoy the read!

P.S.: We finally responded to the requests and created a Facebook fan page for Sail. Click here for the link.

With warm regards,
Iman Ben Chaibah,
Editor in Chief

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Here We Start – Issue #28

Dear Sail Readers, In our 28th issue, we welcome a new columnist...
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