About Authenticity: Being True to Yourself

Everyone I meet struggles to varying degrees with authenticity. Living their truth or telling it like it is. People believe there are universal truths they should adhere to and in the fear of looking stupid, being judged or measured, they forget about their own truth!
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Illustration by Fatma AlHashemi (@F_Fotography)

I was having a chat with a friend of mine and she was telling me how much trouble she’s had her whole life because she was always straightforward, honest and blunt. And she added “you know what? I wouldn’t change for anything in the world”. I looked at her, smiled and thought if only we all defended our values this strongly, the world would be a better place!

Everyone I meet struggles to varying degrees with authenticity. Living their truth or telling it like it is. People believe there are universal truths they should adhere to and in the fear of looking stupid, being judged or measured, they forget about their own truth! But you see I have found time and time again that it is only in the light of your own truth that you truly shine.

I’m not suggesting a world of anarchy where each person lives by their own rules but rather a responsible world where people uphold beliefs and live by them; a world where people make choices and refuse to wear masks that hide who they truly are simply because they need to blend in or play the game so that they’re not treated as outsiders.

We are social beings; we want to belong to a group, a community. It is only natural that we would want to please or go with the flow but if this flow takes us away from our inner flow, the one that truly fulfills us, then this is a sign that our need to belong has taken over and has masked our truth.

How many times have you had someone lie to you just to save face? How many times have you been hypocritical in dealing with another person because you didn’t want them to see or know the truth or simply because you thought there was no other way? People back stabbing others just because they consciously or unconsciously believe the truth is bigger than them and they can’t handle it.

Here is what I know: you can believe what you want about others but unless you face them with authenticity and compassion you might be missing out on a lifelong friendship. Human beings are so good at creating conspiracy theories in their mind when the simple truth is usually the easiest path to find answers.

But, in order to be true to others, you must first be true to yourself and this requires that you deflate your ego, look at yourself in the mirror and be willing to face and accept your dark side. Seeing the bad in others is a reflection of how you perceive the world. This will encourage others to only see the bad in you too. Have the courage to stand in the light of your own truth, it will then be much easier to face the whole world with conviction and pride. No need to hide anymore.

Some people might find this intimidating but that’s because they haven’t yet found their own truth, definitely not because of you. The mask you would be wearing then would be that of your own authentic, compassionate self looking to grow in this new found light.

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1 Comment

  • Loved it. I also have to say how hard it is to face certain kind of truths and how it varies from people to people..I am in a stage now where i have this sinking feeling in my stomach that reaches my heart and makes me feel weak and want to get away from facing the truth of my life. The practicality of it, the works I need to do to get my life to a place i can feel safe. I don't feel safe because of all the things I am yet to do to safe guard it from all the horror stories my mind builds up… it all goes back to having the guts and strenght to go through whatever it is that one feels. and while its so difficult it is the only way forward and I have to keep working at this constantly just to keep me from falling apart, the good news is that i cant see myself living an unauthentic life and thats a blessing…Thanks for this article.

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