Here We Start – Issue # 35

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dear Sail Readers,

We bring with our 35th issue a new unique addition to our columns collection through our new member Khalifa Al Hajeri and his sports column titled “Tifosi”.

Khalifa was born and raised in the UAE, with a 4 and bit years of a university stint in the Canadian lands, before coming back home to work for one of the investment arms of the Abu Dhabi government. Inspired to be the Ray Romano of the magazine, only as a sports journalist that is.
Khalifa believes the world of sports never gets the credit it deserves for its impact on this world. For some, it’s a mere entertainment, but for some it’s soul therapy and sometimes, survival. In this sports universe, deep in its pockets, he was able to find a lot of pleasure reading for sports journalists like Phil Ball, Gabriel Marcotti, among many others. Considering some of his favorite literature comes from sports writers, he will use this column titled “Tifosi”, which stands for “fan” in Italian, to share this passion with others by discussing sport events that can relate to both fanatics and non fanatics.

Here is our content’s listing for February 2013 – Issue #35:

We hope you enjoy the reads and don’t forget to check out our illustrations by Fatma AlHashemi & Dana AlAttar.

Warm regards,
Iman Ben Chaibah
Editor in Chief

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