Here We Start – Issue #38

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dear Sail Readers,

As we publish our 38th issue, Mustafa Abbas with his unique background in filmmaking joins us as a columnist. Mustafa is an award-winning filmmaker whose short films have screened in local festivals such as Dubai International Film Festival and the Gulf Film Festival, as well as international film festivals including the prestigious Cannes Film Festival. Currently he is working on numerous projects both within and outside of UAE. Through his column “Notes of The Night”, he ponders upon different matters of our daily lives. Mustafa is also known as “Moose” in his circle, hence you’ll almost always find his signature ending line: “Moose out.” at the end of his articles.

Issue #38 – May 2013 in brief:

  • Art of Living 101 – The Beauty of Insanity: Hamda Al Hashemi explains that while what our minds might find insane, others’ might consider it a means to creating a masterpiece.
  • Hidden Promises – The Path: Alia Al Hazami finds that we often believe that we choose the correct lifestyle and everyone should live by it. Come take a look at the mistakes we’re taking perceived by the author!
  • Interview with Mohammed Kazim, Cofounder of Allinque: Mohammed Kazim, is one of the managing partners of Allinque Personal Assistance, and is one of Sail eMagzine’s columnists. In this interview, he’ll talk with us about his career, business, the hurdles he’s come through, and much more.
  • Mental Pondering – Assumption Idiocy: Budoor AlYousuf reflects on how people tend to assume things without talking about it or logically thinking about it. These random assumptions end up getting people in a lot of unnecessary trouble.
  • Neglected Moments – Man, Kind: Mustafa Abbas discusses the importance of instinct when dealing with people and making friends.
  • The Mind’s Eye – Safe in My Own Skin: Moadh Bukhash gives a quick view on the difference in treating materialistic objects to either satisfy oneself or to garner attention in the hopes of improving one’s own self-esteem.
  • Tifosi – Fan Violence: Khalifa AlHajeri takes us through his perception of fan violence in sports and gives us a little background on different happenings in that matter.
  • Too Blunt for Words – MEFCC Experience: Fatma AlKhaja takes us in an avid fan’s journey through the Middle East Film & Comic Convention. An experience that she’s waited for a very long time and how the anime and manga scene has progressed in the UAE.

Enjoy our reads, and don’t forget to check out our illustrations by our creative team: Anood AlMulla, Dana AlAttar, Maha Bin Fares, & Maryam Zainal.

Warm regards,
Iman Ben Chaibah
Editor in Chief

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