What Turns Humans into Beasts: Vanity, Greed and Lack of Sanity

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Artwork by Maryam Zainal (@maryam_zainal)
Artwork by Maryam Zainal (@maryam_zainal)

“I’ll stop the transformation from human to beast” was a promise I made to myself when I was younger, but realized that it wasn’t achievable as I grew older. It really is fascinating how much life has changed over the past ten years but it’s also bewildering. Why did we turn out to be this way? What happened to people? Where did all the good ones go? I believe that it all happened for three reasons: Vanity, greed and lack of sanity.

Vanity is the main cause of ruin for many people. Excessive pride in oneself has gotten a lot of people into huge messes as well as foolish narcissism. Some people have become so conceited that they forgot some of the things that are important in life such as good virtues. Mistreating people and considering them to be lower life forms just because they think differently and have various other opinions that don’t match yours isn’t right. How would they like it if other people treated them that way?

Greed is another monster that has damaged people. Unfortunately, humans have become very shallow nowadays; all they care about is ‘Fame & Fortune’. ‘I want this and I want that’ are the words you often hear from dented young souls. Thank you Lord is something I yearn to hear from their young minds, but it’s not something you hear very often, because all I hear is “I WANT MORE”. Since greedy people always flaunt their fortune why won’t they give something to the less fortunate? Fame and fortune won’t last forever; they rarely do. Money can run out within seconds and fame can be over in a matter of time causing fake friends to leave the once high and mighty.

Also, sanity is what they lack. To be fair, we all lose it sometimes. We become so insane and get caught up in the moment to the extent of forgetting how to think rationally. Insanity is fine if it was temporary; reasonability is what we all need. As I previously mentioned, materials don’t last, thus we must invest in them by doing good. Changing from a senseless person to a sensible person is tough business but this adversity must be surpassed to live a meaningful life as people can’t walk around aimlessly!

Living with vanity and greed is turning people into miserable folks who feel a sense of emptiness in their life. It’s hard to be sane in an insane world but a person can only try. The key to becoming a happy sane person is trying to become a better person. Another key is to have good virtues and be sensible, so when fame and fortune vanish, they’ll have many shoulders of good friends to cry on.

Getting closer to God, stopping selfishness and being generous is a stepping stone. Making slow changes is very effective in this ordeal. All people need is time to prove that they’ve changed. Everyone deserves a second chance. If you’re lucky enough to have one, don’t mess it up.

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