Here We Start – Issue #41

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Dear Sailors,

As we publish our 41st issue for the magazine, we have been posting about couple of new upcoming things to be coming along for those who follow us on our social media accounts.

The first, is an exciting interview we had with the one and only Mohammed Saeed Harib, yes, the person behind Freej himself. But we discovered through this interview that he is much more than just Freej, read the interview to find out more. We also did something new with the interview this time around, we found that there is so much that we had to remove from the official interview post to fit a quick readable word limit for our readers, but this meant removing a lot of valuable content that we wanted to share with you, so we gave a bonus post link at the bottom of the interview to share with you all the great stuff about our guest and Freej. Hope you enjoy the interview and the bonus post.

Social Media Member A Week Flyer

The second new thing we are starting from this month has to do with our social media accounts. #SailTeam decided that we will start managing our accounts differently and expand it from the regular articles’ artwork posts only. Every week a new member will manage the accounts on instagram and twitter, sharing with us what they find interesting from quotes, books, artwork, events, even down to their random daily routines that you may all relate with, and some flashback they’d like to share. At the beginning of every week we will have that person introducing themselves and then taking over from there. The rotation weeks start each Thursday. I will be managing the first week and the team will start from there onwards. We hope you find our new social media content exciting and refreshing, follow us to keep updated with our news!

And now, Issue #41 – August 2013 in brief:

  • Art of Life – Ramadan: A Flavor Like No Other: Hamda AlHashemi writes about the month of Ramadan being almost over, and how we need to make sure that we have embraced it properly.
  • Beyond Inspiration – And So I Became a Bully: AlAnoud AlMadhi takes us through a personal story, sheds light on bullying; its main reasons and impact, and calls upon taking such dangerous phenomenon seriously.
  • Hidden Promises – Hidden Fears: Alia AlHazami believes that in order to live a long happy life, you should face your fears.
  • Interview with Mohammed Saeed Harib: Mohammed Saeed Harib; better known as the man behind the famous animated TV series aired during Ramadan: Freej. However, there is more to Harib than just Freej. He creatively expanded to Freej folklore, wedding production, music production, photography, films, events, and much more. Our editor in Chief, Iman Ben Chaibah, interviewed him for this month’s issue. Join us as we get to know more about his journey through it all.
  • Lost in Reverie – Growing Through Change: Alwid Lootah explains how change is what life is all about, even if you try to avoid it, you seek it and grow through it.
  • Mental Pondering – Laziness, The Act of the Decade: Budoor AlYousuf poners about laziness being a struggle to many people, but where does ‘Laziness’ come from? And can people overcome it?
  • Of Ships and Kings – Do It Yourself: Omar Al Owais explains how good things happen to those who wait, and great things happen to those who do.
  • The Mind’s Eye – Cooked In Proportion: Moadh Bukhash quotes Plato to demonstrate that moderation or balance is key to finding calmness and contentment in one’s life. Moadh explores a few ways that we can remind ourselves to find that balance.
  • Tifosi – The Association between Ramadan and Sports: Khalifa AlHajeri urges us to make Ramadan the start of a new way of maintaining sports as the norm in our lives, instead of a mere pit stop.
  • To The Point – Perfection Through Imperfection: Mohammed Kazim explains the continuous journey of deliverables in life. Through 3 simple guidelines, he shows the reader how perfection is best pursuit through simple phases of imperfection

Enjoy our reads, and don’t forget to check out our illustrations by our creative team: Anood AlMulla, Dana AlAttar, Fatma AlHashemi, Maha Bin Fares, and Maryam Zainal.

To keep up with our monthly-published issues and to know about any of our coming events, make sure you register with us by clicking here.

Warm regards,
Iman Ben Chaibah
Editor in Chief

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