Here We Start – Issue #43

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Dear Sail Readers,

On 24th of  the last month Mubadala has held its 3rd Annual Youth Forum with a great number of esteemed speakers from the community, all of them were sharing their life experiences with an eager audience of youth that are walking into their careers and could use all guidance that they could get. Our columnist Mohammed Kazim has attended the forum and wrote his review about it in this issue, enjoy his review and make sure you do go next year if you missed this year.

For our October issue, we interviewed one of our writers who have ventured off in his new endeavor. We interviewed Khaled Bin Hamad to know more about his new ventures and about his comic book Nasser’s secrets. Read the interview to know what are his new projects.

Also, with our 43rd issue, we are rejoined by one of our old sailors, who sailed away for about a year to an exciting land and now have come back to tell us how it changed her. Haif rejoins us through a new column: Joie de Vivre, which means the joy of living. Check out her first article in that column as she tells us more about her journey.

And now, Issue #43 – October 2013 in brief:

Enjoy our reads, and don’t forget to check out our illustrations by our creative team: Anood AlMulla, Dana AlAttar, Fatma AlHashemi, Maha Bin Fares, and Maryam Zainal.

To keep up with our monthly-published issues and to know about any of our coming events, make sure you register with us by clicking here.

Warm regards,
Iman Ben Chaibah
Editor in Chief

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