Article in brief: the author examines the positives and negatives on any city when hosting a major international sport event.

To many people, sports and its role in the world represents a devotion to a significant lifestyle, a passion and sometimes, an addiction. Putting those people on one side, on the other side, there are others who as inconceivable as it is, they undermine the influence that sports play in our world.
Being a sports fan myself, this article is addressed to both sets of people, to present a neutral view of the positive and negative impact of sports through the scenario of hosting international events. One of the major outputs of sports is through competitions, which are the zenith of sporting events that gather the best in the world. These competitions are held in various parts of the world throughout the year and the rights to host them have become a competitive occasion in itself. Countries compete for the hosting rights for these tournaments due to the beneficial impact the event can create. Sporting events of a certain magnitude can create a cycle, which can develop social, economical and cultural benefits, but also, this might come at a cost.
Having been able to benefit from its status as the emerging leader in the South American continent, Brazil was able to beat off competition from various countries to host both the Football world cup FIFA and the Olympics. By seizing these opportunities, Brazil will be able to attract fans and enthusiasts from all over the world, who, with their expenditure power, will allow Brazil to cover for the necessary investments it made and also start a source of income from other benefits gained.
That being said, financial returns are not the only rewards received from hosting tournaments, as it is contested that the most positive impact comes in the form of social and cultural developments. Hosting such events requires the country to synergize efforts and maintain a required level of unity that reinforces people’s capabilities operationally and organizationally. Moreover, with an increased media coverage and a major fellowship of journalists documenting their time during the events, the cultural and social norms of the country is publicized, enabling the country to benefit from an advertising campaign at no cost. Similarly, with the events and competitions followed by a colossal audience all over the world, the image of the country is greatly enhanced. This opportunity, if gained, can be a huge leap forward.
Furthermore, the event will have a cascading effect on future generations, who will examine the values of sports through the competition, which will create and echo the success stories generated, creating legends and idols to future athletes. In addition, the countries hosting these events will usually have to undergo infrastructural upgrading, such as renovating roads, airports, among many other public facilities, which becomes of worthy use upon the end of the games for the citizens of the country.
However, hosting these events can also spur negative impact as well. For instance, the Brazilian government had to face protests that could have turned violent. Admittedly, the Brazilian government had to allocate a lot of funding for the hosting of the games that it had sacrificed on other recipients. China was thrust into the limelight during the Olympics when stories leaked about 1 million residents of Beijing who were displaced during the Olympic events. In efforts by the government to accommodate for the games, many residents were forced out of their homes against their will, with little notice and little compensation. Another impact that could be witnessed is the congestion created by the events and the underutilized infrastructure. Qatar will have around 10 years of preparation time for the World Cup. During this time, it will have to build the entire necessary infrastructure, which is most likely going to be underutilized right after the end of the games.
Indeed, sports can provide not only plenty of entertainment, but can impact the welfare of many people around the world, with sporting events being one of the many outlets in which sports can demonstrate its importance in our world today, and as a passionate sports enthusiast, I believe sports sometimes does not get the recognition it deserves.
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