It’s December yet again, warning us that the year is almost over, reminding us of all the New Year resolutions we made, and that checklist we’ve created in the beginning of the year of all the things we’ve planned to do this year. Where are you from all those? I hope you’ve marked off most of them if not all. If not, remember, you still have a whole month left, and if you really put your efforts in whatever you want to do, you can do it in this month.

Also, it’s December! Which means it’s the UAE’s National Day happening on the 2nd of December. A chance for all of us to celebrate the greatness of this country we belong to, and all what it has offered to us. This year, in addition to all the celebrations you may take part in, how about you plan doing something that really makes our UAE proud? Something that reminds the world that the late Sheikh Zayed has raised a generation of achievers and visionaries?
In the past month, I’ve been honored to receive the award of the Young Entrepreneur of The Year from Arabian Business’s Startup magazine. I’m truly honored with this award, and overjoyed about having Sail with all it’s achievements and developments recognized as a visionary concept and platform. There is still so much more for Sail to offer to the community and the literature culture, and I can’t wait for all of you to be part of it.

In this month, we are joined with two new members:
Deema Al Mheiri through her column: Accentuate Your Beauty. Deema is a Visual Artist who expresses herself through different mediums that vary from paint to cosmetics. Just like a palette, experimenting with products is key to a colorful canvas. Her column is a collection of tried and tested beauty tips and tricks of the trade that will assist in emphasizing your beautiful features.
Deena Rashid joins us as an editor. Deena is an undergraduate senior student finishing up her degree in International Studies, specializing in Culture & Society. She is an avid reader of philosophy and English fiction, and keeps a vigilant third eye in her pocket to look out for errors or misprints. She thinks literature is not a field of study but a perspective, and hopes to encourage that perspective in other potential literature fanatics. She uses her job as a librarian to bring over researchers and readers to the dark side of literature as much as possible.
And now to our 57th issue for the month of December 2014:
- Feature – A Lesson in Women’s Empowerment at the Women’s Museum: A visit to Women’s Museum in Dubai can change many perceptions you may have had on women’s role in the society historically and currently.
- Interview with GoldCleats Founder: Saud AlNowais: GoldCleats founders are looking to change the way football players develop, communicate and get scouted by using the Internet and mobile application. Join us in the interview to know all about what they do.
- Accentuate Your Beauty – Beauty Without Pain: Deema AlMheri talks about the importance and impact of utilizing organic makeup.
- Emirati Reflections – Preserving Our History: Abdullah AlWahedi talks about the importance of preserving the UAE history.
- Finding The Rumi In You – The Language Of Our Thoughts: Haleema AlOwais explains the importance of focusing on our words and actions, and what effect they have on our lives.
- Hidden Promises – Ain’t No Damsel In Distress: Alia AlHazami expresses the importance of what little girls watch, as it will have a strong influence on them as they grow up.
- Little Doses of Happiness – The Beauty of Travel (Vs. Tourism): Sidiqa Sohail muses on the beauty of travel and what makes it wonderful.
- Live Out Loud – Starring Me in My Life: Sarah AlMarashi explores living an authentic life and draws an analogy to an individual being the star of the movie of their lives.
- Lost In Reverie – The Power Of Visionary Thinking: In honor of the 43rd national day, Alwid Lootah encourages visionary thinking and transforming ideas into reality.
- Pocket Full of Books – Do We Really Need To Talk About Kevin? : Maitha AlMuhairi writes a book review on “We Need To Talk About Kevin” by Lionel Shriver.
- The Heart of The Making – The Function Designers: Enrolling in a design workshop in Kuwait City revealed to Moza AlMatrooshi the importance of having collaborative and creative studio environments in the UAE.
- The Words Within – “Working Hard”, Not “Hardly Working”: Bahar AlAwadhi looks beyond the glitz and glory of the UAE National Day as she explores the topic of Emiratization and the increasing need to imbed Emiratis into the workforce.
- To The Point – Let’s Be Pure: Mohammed Kazim describes a feeling of remorse he felt that was ignited due to some situations that were witnessed during his recent visit to a Muslim state.
Hats off to our incredible editorial team: Aida AlBusaidy, Dhabya AlMuhairi, and Deena Rashid. Enjoy our reads, and don’t forget to check out the inspired artworks by our talented creative team: Dana AlAttar, Hayat AlHassan, Marwa Fuad, led by Maryam Zainal.
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Warm regards,
Iman Ben Chaibah
Editor in Chief
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