Evolving Towards Regular Content

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Change is part of life, and any business that doesn’t adapt to changes nor set a growth plan will eventually fade away. And though change sometimes can be difficult, and letting go of what we’re used to can be intimidating, but stepping out of that comfort zone can be rewarding both on personal and professional levels.

For the past 5 years and few months, we’ve focused on publishing our monthly issues in a model that pushes all the articles of the monthly issue in one go at the beginning of the month. As part of our growth plan, we are changing this model into spreading the issue’s articles across the month instead of on a one go at the beginning of the month. This change is taking place for many business reasons, but mainly, to give our readers new articles to always come back for across the month, for them to enjoy reading.

Regarding the newsletter, as we know most of you have busy schedules, and getting a newsletter update every couple of days with a new article notification can be a nightmare for your inbox, so for now, we are shifting the newsletter to the end of the month, with links to all the articles that were published across the month. However, we’d recommend you follow our social media accounts, and perhaps turn on the notification for our Sail’s account on your preferred social media platform to always be notified when a new article or important update is released. Our twitter link is: @SailPublishing, instagram is: @SailPublishing, and facebook is: Sail eMagazine.

On a separate note, we’d like to invite you to an event we’re hosting on Tuesday 9th of June, 2015, at 7PM, in A4 Space – AlSerkal Avenue. We’re hosting a discussion panel with the authors whom we’ve published books for through Sail Publishing, to bring awareness on the creative process of their writing journeys, and how they were inspired to pursue publishing them.

Let us know your feedback and your thoughts on those changes. We hope with this change our readers will enjoy the magazine further and enjoy it across the month.

Iman Ben Chaibah
Editor in Chief

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