Article in brief: Dreams bring hope and pursuing your dreams brings change and prosperity to life. Therefore, a person should always pursue his/her dreams.

Childhood memories act as a constant reminder of how simple and peaceful a person could be. My biggest worry was how to spend my time after school and where to find my friends. Given all the hassles of life I now go through on a daily basis, I wish I could go back in time and be a child once again. What I really miss about being a child is the ability to dream freely without having limits and barriers. Unfortunately, as I grew up, I lost that ability, simply because I became more factual and realistic.
As a child I have always wanted to reach the sky and walk in the clouds. Today, I can’t find a logical explanation of my dream, but at one point of time it fascinated me. I remember spending hours looking at the clouds touching the mountain of Ras Al Khaimah, I remember thinking that if I go up the mountain, I would be able to achieve my dream and walk in the clouds. That dream made me push my parents to go to the mountains every time it rains in an effort to reach the clouds. Although I was not successful in making that dream come true, going through the clouds every time I take a flight to somewhere is a fascinating experience.
It has been proven through time that our desire to pursue our dreams is a key driver behind our success. Great leaders such Martin Luther King and Gandhi pursed their dreams of justice and freedom until they were able to bring in change to society. They may not have realized their dreams fully, but their legacy has inspired many people around the world to continue their journey and achieve what they aim for.
Dreams bring hope of a better future, and hope gives us the energy and desire to continue our hard work and achieve our goals. Gandhi once said “Always believe in your dreams, because if you don’t, you will not have hope”.
The UAE is a good example of a dream that came true. The founding fathers wanted us to live in a better world and have better facilities and life style. They were determined to bring in that change in life and didn’t give up hope when the young federation faced various challenges. This desire for change transformed the sands of the desert to modern cities. We, as UAE nationals, have the responsibility to protect these achievements and ensure they continue to grow.
Many years have passed since I first thought of walking in the clouds, but that didn’t demotivate me. I have continued to pursue my dream and today I am responsible for maintaining the tallest skyscraper in the world. So yes, in my own way, I can walk in the clouds.
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A dream can give you the meaning of living in the world. If there is no dreams, there is no hope. Dreams and hopes keep a person alive. But many do not hear what their heart say to be in the future. I think it is better to follow what the heart is saying to do right now. Constantly working towards the target brings success in a life.