Books Made In UAE – Open Call for Comic Artists (@UAEBBY)

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The UAE Board on Books for Young People (UAEBBY) and the Goethe-Institut Gulf Region continue their “Books – Made in UAE” project with a comic workshop for ten Emirati / UAE-based artists from 24 to 28 April 2016. The 5-day workshop will be conducted by German comic artist and Mangaka Inga Steinmetz.

Participants will be given the opportunity to develop new stories and to learn how to tell them in a convincing way. Inga Steinmetz will work with the students on their drawing techniques, e.g. for facial expressions, emotions, hair style and clothing, and give them tips for background visualization, perspective and how to use time effectively while narrating. In the end, every participant will have a completed comic in full color that will be exhibited at the Illustrators Corner at the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair 2016.

Before the workshop, interested participants are invited to think up stories which are related either to the topic of “friendship” or the topic of “nature”. They should submit a short outline (ca. ½ page) including the following:

  • Introduction – who is the story about?
  • What happens to this person(s) (conflict)?
  • What happens next?
  • How does the story end?

In addition, interested comic artists and illustrators should also provide the following documents:

  • A short bio (ca. 60 – 100 words)
  • A portfolio of their comic art (PDF)
  • A personal statement of motivation and objective to take part in this workshop

The workshop runs with an all day long schedule (9:30 am – 4:30 pm) from Sunday, 24 April till Thursday, 28 April 2016. It will either take place in Abu Dhabi or in Dubai, depending on the number of applicants from either city. For commuters, daily shuttle transport or accommodation (single occupancy only) for four nights can be arranged and will be covered. The language of communication during the workshop is English.

If you are interested in participating, please send an e-mail and the required documents by 20th March 2016 to:

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