Book Giveaway – Just Read It by @OmarAlBusaidy

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We are pleased to announce a series of giveaways that we will be hosting. Sail is collaborating with Goodreads to give you a chance to win copies of the books we have published.

For our first giveaway, we are giving away two copies of Just Read It by Omar AlBusaidy. To enter our giveaway, please click here.

Giveaway application ends on July 6th, 2016.

Just Read It - Omar Busaidy_ cover _

Just Read It’ is a day to day guide on self-development and touches upon the topics of emotional and social intelligence. The book is addressed to the youth as well as professionals who wish to pursue greater achievements in both their personal and professional lives. Most of the points discussed in the book are common sense and taught to us at home, school, religious places or elsewhere. The book can also be an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs who seek guidance on setting up businesses both profit and non-profit.

This book will also open your mind to the way we behave with each other and how we could look at similarities rather than differences so that we all could live peacefully and support each other in achieving our goals.


  • You MUST be a UAE resident to enter the giveaway. The giveaway will only show up for UAE users on Goodreads.
  • After the giveaway is over, Goodreads will select the winners at random. We are in no way associated with selecting the winners.
  • Winners will receive their copies of the book within 2-3 weeks from the date they are selected.

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