Young Emirati Voices in English Poetry

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Picture the comfort of the warmth you attain from drinking a hot cup of tea on a breezy winter day. Now picture the sense of being so deeply invested in something that you need to process the presence of reality when stepping away from it. Both of these feelings combined is how I would describe the sensation of reading the following poetry books.

Moonlight Howl, by Moza Alsharif, gives deep descriptions of thoughts, feelings, and experiences that are habitually contemplated during times where moonlight is present. We often find ourselves pondering the depths of our thought processes and reflecting on our experiences after dark. Through an excerpt of her poetry, we can see how she characterizes those moments as a time of exposure to one’s truly raw state of being: Especially past midnight- when you hear nothing- but your shattered soul. Readers are presented with deliberations revolving around the flows of thoughts around being restless, agitated, uncertain, anxious, and in pain. Additionally, the importance of finding strength through struggle is highlighted through deliberation on overcoming the hardship that occurs through needing and giving space, cutting people off, and healing throughout.

The Art of being Mine, by Afra Alzaabi, provides a take on the different internal components that come along with varying feelings and thoughts. Through intricate descriptions and beautiful representations such as the one presented in the following line: Speaking words of romance- Not with our voices- But with our sparkling eyes, we are able to understand the many depths of emotion and sacrifice instigated by love. We can also understand a sense of strength presented by the author’s relief within her poetry.

Wallflower, by Fatma AlGhawas, represents the journey of being able to embrace one’s uniqueness while holding onto the sense of belonging. She uncovers designs and concepts on youthhood while highlighting the significance of imagination. She portrays the validity of standing out of the crowd and allowing oneself to process their character and express themselves thoroughly. Hence highlighting the importance of detaching from the need to conceal oneself to fit in. We each exist as unique individuals with many distinctions. Wallflower allows us to comprehend the importance of embracing our individuality and the difference amongst each other, presented within the specific extract of poetry: I’m a box labeled “FRAGILE” -While she is the phoenix rising over and over every day- That’s the thing, – I’m not you -I’m me, – and maybe that’s okay.

Within You, Me, and All the In Betweens, Shaikha Albakhit deciphers the journey of adversity and recovery. We are presented with the route to identifying a sense of purpose and finding ways to thoroughly live rather than simply exist. By reading the poetry, readers are taken on an experience that allows them to comprehend the struggle of being hurt, feeling lost, and being in a state of solely surviving, which is displayed through the following stanza of work: Having an origami heart has left me in halves and folds; – and I don’t know how to unfold myself whole again. – I wonder how much time will pass by until believing in myself is not a chore anymore. The poetry extends to finding the strength within oneself to recover, understand self-worth, and find the bravery within.

In Salvaged, Omar Alowais gives an insight into his thought processes and perspectives. The very raw tone of the work gives readers the incentive to uncover the depth within various aspects of life, an aspect of which can be displayed through the following stanzas of his work: Laughs and cries in a package arrive- Uninvited. Though- Your days may seem as a constant strife, – Only in dimness, will you glow. He portrays the hope and patience that manifested through the conflicts and struggles he had to overcome, highlighting that the strength of such hope and patience overpowers the struggles. He also highlights the importance of giving oneself the necessary time and space to grow, reflect, and recover.

Through their work, the writers of the poetry collections were able to deliver a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction by providing readers with an insight into the profound aspects of their thought processes and perspectives.

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