Turn Your Dreams to Reality

Reading Time: 5 minutes

By Reem Abdalla (@Reem096)

Sitting, watching my four years old brother twirling and running around in circles pretending to fly made me realize how innocent they are at this young age. How life is simple and full of joy as they have no burdens for them to carry on their shoulders. While we are growing up, how many times have we fantasized about saving the world, flying like Superman and every other fantasy we read in comic books?

We can be caught up in our own make believe world, daydreaming for countless hours of exciting places to visit and adventures to take. How many times are we called “day-dreamers”? Fantasizing about prince charming, his castle and all the riches in the world? How many times do we dream of finding treasures of Monte Carlo or to fly with Peter Pan to Never Land?

Everyone has different hopes and aspirations. Some dreams are far-fetched but nothing is impossible to achieve. People usually only see a gap between “Dream” and “Reality”. Yet, they tend to ignore the steps that come between these two. The following steps are part of an ideal model based on ideal circumstances. However, adjustments and deviations might be needed in the process:

Dream -> Goal -> Intention -> A Plan -> Action -> Attention -> Reality

We start with our dream and to achieve this dream we set a goal. A goal is our dream with a deadline. We have to set a deadline to when we can achieve this dream. Of course, this dream has to be achievable, specific, realistic and tangible.

Then we move on to intentions. Intention is the natural outflow of a firmly stated and desired goal. You can set a goal but it does not mean you intend on implying it. In many cases, people set New Year resolutions without the intent of actually achieving them. Intention is the driving force behind turning one’s dream into reality.

Illustration by Dubai Abulhoul

Then we reach a stage of putting our thoughts and goals in a plan. When putting everything in a plan, a person can tell what is achievable, what is needed to be changed and everything turns clearer since they are putting their thoughts on paper. Every idea started in someone’s thoughts. However, when taking these ideas and putting them on paper they sometimes fail. A plan measures how realistic and achievable your idea is.

Planning can be the most difficult part, however, unless you implement that idea, it will always remain just an idea. Therefore, a person has to take action on their idea. This step is a stepping stone to achieve a person’s dream.

After taking action, the key is Attention. Attention is the mental focus; focusing on how to contribute to our desires (thoughts, affirmations, visualizations, etc.). Holding focus can be very tough as some people lose it as they proceed with their ideas and get sidetracked by other things. People tend to develop imaginary obstacles on their way to the top, lose their focus and then give up.

Finally, you have reached to your intended destination where dreams are turned into reality. This does not have to be as big a surprise as you might have imagined. The reason can be found in understanding that as you are moving along this continuum; your desire becomes so real in your mind during the process. However, it is all worth it in the end.

To understand the process of turning dreams into reality is the most paramount factor. Turning your dream into reality starts with having good faith in what you believe in, determination, hard work, friends and family support, amongst other factors.

There are many ways of achieving your dreams and there are entities in the UAE that help you with the process and regulations if your dream was having a business of your own. Depending on what you are looking for or what your dream is, there is always someone that can provide his or her expertise to help you select the correct path. Of course as a human being, our dreams are never constant; they can change with time. After achieving one of our dreams, we soon find we are on our next one. Dreams are endless and lots of fun. So go ahead and dream.

Sail eMagazine’s 18th Issue – September 2011
Here We Start
Art of Living 101Community TalkFood for Thought
Just Another Undergrad
Society of TomorrowThe First Years Last Forever
The Mind’s Eye
To the PointToo Blunt for Words – Words, Observations, and Ramblings

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